Happy New Year Everyone! Welcome to our Monday Musings on this first working Monday of the New Year.
Here’s some of our reflections for you today: There is just no getting around it, winter continues to remind us that it is the season of slowing down and taking necessary time to cocoon and reflect. In this regard, we have been purposefully entering into our new year in a quiet and still way; only very slowly gearing up for the year ahead, after ample time to intentionally determine our desires, dreams, and direction. We are reminded of the Law of Attraction, and ensuring that we manifest that which is desired, and doing our best to let the rest fall away. For us, today’s message is all about empowerment.
In our mind’s eye, we see the beautiful unfolding of our own unique Vision Board, and these images help us to have a symbolic reminder of the path ahead.
We hope that you too can embrace the stillness of winter and it’s powerful lessons. You need only look outside your window to see the beauty in the quietness of all that is around you.
If you need some support in determining your direction for 2018, and ensuring that you are empowering yourself to create that which you seek, we are happy to share Cheryl’s latest installment in her series of Chakra Videos, this one on the Solar Plexus. Also known energetically as our ‘Power Centre,’ the offering here is the perfect starting point for planting your New Year seeds. We trust you find some nuggets that speak to you.
Many Blessings,
Cheryl Moore and Dino Pangrazzi Here and Now Health Services
Comments 2
Thank you Cheryl for the great review! Beautiful!
You are most welcome and thanks for watching!