“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world.  

For indeed, that’s all who ever have.”  

Margaret Mead

My journey with doTERRA has brought incredible people into my life:  People who want to make a difference in the world … People who know that we can best do that together!

This page is dedicated to the leaders that make up my tribe. I want you to get to know these incredible Souls that give me cause to push forward every day -  a group of women who aligned with my vision and chose to Rise Up in their own individual and unique way to share their passions with others.  Their Spirit shines through in all they do, each and every day, because they really are committed to making a difference in the world.

Click on their images below!  Learn what makes them tick, and perhaps some ways they can inspire you on your path of wellness! 

Be blessed,

Cheryl Moore

Our Leadership Team

This page is not authored by dōTERRA or any of its affiliated companies; and Cheryl Moore, Wellness Advocate, bears all responsibility for its content.