Here and Now Health – dōTERRA Wellness Advocate
Why doTERRA for your personal health and well being?
A Note from Cheryl about dōTERRA
Being involved with doTerra Essential Oils as an Independent Wellness Advocate and Business Builder is a true source of joy in my life. As a longstanding Social Worker and Holistic Health Practitioner who has advocated natural approaches to well being throughout my career, essential oils are easily incorporated as an adjunct into my practice, and I have been teaching on their benefits to support emotional wellbeing and improve meditation practice for over 15 years.
The practical and effective application of essential oils as a natural solution to health and wellness is fast becoming a mainstream phenomenon. It has been an incredible joy for us to see the growth in this industry and take note of all the people we know that are now using oils in their home for their own health and healing benefits. As a reminder though, as we see oils becoming available just about everywhere, please remember that ‘you get what you pay for.’ There is a difference in the quality of oils, and it is well worth your time and energy to research this carefully and make the choice that is best for you.
doTERRA does not seek to sell, it seeks to educate; and that makes all the difference to me. In addition, doTERRA’s core corporate values are easily aligned with my own. Dr. Hill, one of the Co-Founders of this company, sees one of their primary visions as ‘having a healer in every home.’ I couldn’t agree more. And I love teaching people. It’s what feeds my soul and gives me energy. I love helping people solve problems that they thought there was no solution to, and being an instrument of healing as they step towards leading healthier, happier lives.
Through the beauty of blogs, social media, and web sites, along with the one-on-one coaching that all our leaders offer, you can get support and education in the way that best serves you. Within the larger context of education, we at Here and Now Health Services have branded our social media offerings through a closed Facebook Group, exclusive to our wholesale clients, under the name of ‘Your Intuitive Oil Community.’ Through this means, we use our combined intuitive skills to bring you seasonal learning that best serves you in the moment, but won’t inundate you with daily posts. More broadly, doTERRA understands the importance of a team, which means that beyond our own experience, we too have a wealth of mentors and advisors to assist us in assisting you. For those not connected on Facebook, there is access to teaching through our corporate blogs, newsletters, and youtube channel. Our team is always growing our own knowledge base through our access to inspired learning, from bottom to top; and in turn, we can pass this information on to you.
Cheryl’s Essential Oil Online Learning Offerings
Fully integrating the beauty of essential oils into my own intuitive philosophy of well being, I have also begun a series of youtube videos dedicated to understanding each of the seven energy centres in your body known as ‘The Chakras.’ If this topic is interesting to you, go here to visit our Youtube Channel. You will also find many other short essential oil videos on our site that will be of value in your learning.
The Benefits of Cedarwood Essential Oil
Sacral Chakra Oils
Heart Chakra Sharings
Solar Plexus Sharings
Throat Chakra Sharings
To learn more about the Aromatherapy Services I offer as part of my healing path of service: click here
Why doTERRA as a business opportunity?
Since my doTERRA journey started in 2016, in addition to the unmatched quality of their oils and the science that stands behind it, what I have learned about this company is that their integrity, their ethics, and their desire to do good in the world are in alignment with whom I am in the core of my being; and that by aligning with them I am able to walk my desired ‘giving path’ with every drop of oil I use, and with every drop of oil I bring into the lives of others. Because of doTERRA’s co-impact sourcing program, and Healing Hands Foundation, I know that the products I use and promote will help provide another woman around the world with income to keep her family out of poverty. Just like educating others, this part of my connection to an incredible company also feeds my soul.
The Here and Now Health doTERRA Wellness Team is growing. I am so blessed to be able to use years of managerial experience and wisdom to mentor others who want to step into the beauty and passion of a living an authentic, aligned, entrepreneurial life. I am strategic, passionate and intuitive. And I believe that the women who have joined me know that together we are developing a collective unconscious energy that makes us greater together than we would be on our own.
With pride, I honor each and every member of my team for the unique qualities and gifts they bring to the whole. To read more about them, check out our Community Partners page, where you will find individual business listings for Brenda Barker, Nicole Dupuis, Danielle Gignac, Deborah Montgomery, Megan Munroe, Kandice Neale and Alicia Rowe. These incredible women share their love of doTERRA essential oils in their own individual way, and they touch the lives of many with their heart-and-soul businesses and the services that they offer.
We are always looking to grow our team. It doesn’t matter where you live. It matters what you love. It matters if you are wondering how you can make a difference in the world. It matters if you are ready to embrace joy as your daily choice, from morning to night. DoTERRA is an international company, the largest distributor of therapeutic grade essential oils, and one of the fastest growing network marketing companies globally. So if you are a strategic, intuitive, passionate, and dedicated Soul with an entrepreneurial Spirit, and you are wondering if sharing essential oils with others is part of your path, we’d be happy to have a chat with you about that.
To learn more about Cheryl’s philosophy and what inspires and grounds her on her doTERRA business path, you can also go here:
For more learning on doTERRA and essential oils, please check any of these corporate doTERRA sites:
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This page is not authored by dōTERRA or any of its affiliated companies; and Cheryl Moore, Wellness Advocate, bears all responsibility for its content.